Delta Carbin – Polycarbin
Delta Carbin

Delta Carbin

Recycle any BRand of PPE Clothing

Track your progress on the Carbin Counter

Use Prepaid Return labels to send your PPE to Polycarbin

The Delta Carbin mailback service allows your lab to take one step closer to zero-waste by keeping your gowns, hairnets, sleeves, and booties of the landfill and incinerator. Delta Carbins come in packs of 5, each with pre-paid return labels. Simply fill the Carbins, ship them back to us, and measure your impact using Polycarbin's Carbin Counter.

Product Name Catalog Number
Delta Carbin (5-Pack) PR01-04-01



No. per case

5 receptacles

Box dimensions

12” x 12” x 26”


16 gal. 

Not sold outside the contiguous U.S.